FM broadcasts are transmitted at high frequencies and do not bend to follow the earth's surface. Because of this, FM broadcasts generally begin to fade at short distances from the station. Also, FM signals are easily affected by buildings, mountains, or other obstructions. These can result in certain listening conditions which might lead you to believe a problem exists with your radio. The following conditions are normal and do not indicate radio trouble:
Kia Niro 2017 (DE HEV) Service Manual: AVN(Audio Video Navigation) head unit Repair procedures
Be careful not to scratch the center fascia upper panel and related
Wrap the protective tape on the tool to disassemble wit ...
Kia Niro 2017 (DE HEV) Service Manual: Case Repair procedures
Be sure to read and follow the “General Safety Information and
Caution” before doing any work related with the high voltage system.
Failure to follow the safety instr ...